Give me wings, 一首非常非常好聽, 歌詞極有意思, 聽到起晒雞皮既一首歌!
我地既恩典在於有神! 基督徒一樣要生活, 一樣會面對挑戰、面對困難、失敗, 但我地有神在背後, 衪的眼目時常看顧我, 沒有轉動的影兒! You've been watching me grow and you gently lead me on. It's your love and power that I know, guides and keeps me strong!
在神沒有難成的事, 當將你的事交託耶和華, 並倚靠祂, 祂就必成全! And so many things that I can do with your strength in me! 讚美神的慈愛, 衪的應許賜福的話, 一句也沒有落空 ^^
好感恩, 佢地真係唱得好好聽呀! 指揮 Queenie 姨姨不停話佢地 amazing! Over qualified 已經達到中學水平! Well done!
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