2015年1月13日 星期二

Best Story

聖誕節假期其中一份功課, 就係要小慈用 5 張圖畫紙對褶做本書仔, 自己創作一個故事, 題材字數不限.  小慈淨係畫左個封面就呆左, 完全唔識作, 仲要聽日就交..... 唉, 又係要呀媽出手相救

英文, 係難既, 但至少都要有個故事大綱麻!  於是我要小慈用中文講作咩故事先?  十頁紙咁多, 梗係一頁寫字, 一頁畫圖咁填滿佢算啦!  終於嘔心瀝血 guided 小慈 writing 左本故事書出黎, 估唔到俾老師選中成為其中一個 Best Story, 仲 post 左上網同大家分享添 ^^

見唔見呀?  最底個個  Grace Kwok's Story 就係小慈架喇!

Many Stars -- by Grace Kwok

老師評語:  A funny story written by Grace.  The blurb is good.  Enjoy!

呢個係封面, 寡左 D 因為第二日就要交冇時間再補

Dad star, Mum star and YM star are family, they thought they were the only three stars in the world.  They live happily together.

One Day, YM was playing a ball but he accidentally fell down and rolled the ball away.  YM was very scared.  He wanted to chase the ball but the ball rolled too fast.


Finally, he chased the ball.  When he looked up, he saw a house in front of him.  The house was big and beautiful.  And there was some noise coming from the house too!

YM was very curious.  He walked secretly towards the house.  He peeked from the window.  He saw a lot of stars inside the house.  They were having a party.  A Pink star saw YM and she invited him to join their party.

YM said, "Thank you, can I ask my mum and dad to come too?"
The pink star said, "Sure!  Let's become friends."
YM went home and told his parents what just happened.  They joined the party and met lots of friends.  They knew then that they were not the only three stars in the world!

開 party, 仲有小丑扭汽球 ^^

YM thinks his family is the only three stars in the world.  Is he right?

好多謝老師賞識小慈, 佢係一個好需要支持及肯定既小朋友!  Best story 就真係有 D 誇獎, 不過佢有努力, 所有圖畫都係佢自己構思, 我只幫下佢英文

小慈小明朝朝都係靠睇一套卡通片整醒自己, 我好鍾意套片成日播住一首主題曲

You can do it.  You can do it if you try.  If it doesn't work the first time, you try twice as hard the next time.  Cause you can do it if you try!

小慈, 你做得到架!  第一次要人幫, 下一次學識左就自己攪掂啦!

